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Top 5 Beautiful C++ std Algorithms Examples

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Some time ago I’ve seen an inspiring talk from CppCon 2013: “C++ Seasoning” by Sean Parent. One of the main points of this presentation was not to use raw loops. Instead, prefer to use existing algorithms or write functions that ‘wraps’ such loops. I was curious about this idea and searched for nice code examples. Here is my short list of usage of algorithms from the C++ std library that might help in writing better code.
Of course. I could not skip two prominent examples from the original “C++ Seasoning” talk: slide and gather.
The code
Source code can be found here: beautiful_std_alg.cpp @github
Solution (VS2013) is located here vc_solution @github
Insertion sort
In just two lines of code!
for (auto i = start; i != end; ++i)
std::rotate(std::upper_bound(start, i, *i), i, std::next(i));
How it works?
Rotate(first, middle, last)
- takes a range [first, last)
and rotates
it so that the middle
element becomes the first in that range.
- Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the
range [first,last)
which compares greater than val
. The range should
be already sorted (or at least partitioned).
How do those two elements combine into Insertion sort?
std::upper_bound(start, i, *i)
returns position of the first element
greater than *i
. Then, the range is shifted, so that i-th
becomes first.
Let’s look at one example:
Pretty nice!
Quick sort
Found on Stack Overflow:
template<class FwdIt, class Compare = std::less<>>
void quickSort(FwdIt first, FwdIt last, Compare cmp = Compare{})
auto const N = std::distance(first, last);
if (N <= 1) return;
auto const pivot = std::next(first, N / 2);
std::nth_element(first, pivot, last, cmp);
quickSort(first, pivot, cmp);
quickSort(pivot, last, cmp);
How it works?
I will not describe quick sort algorithm… you should know how it works
already! In this implementation std::nth_element
is used to do most of
the job. This function partially sorts the range so that given n-th
elements is placed in proper position. All of the elements before n-th
element are less than or equal to the elements after the n-th
Example from the Sean Parent’s talk:
template <typename It>
auto slide(It f, It l, randIter p) -> std::pair<It, It>
if (p < f) return { p, std::rotate(p, f, l) };
if (l < p) return { std::rotate(f, l, p), p };
return { f, l };
How it works?
As an example, you can imagine a list of items on a UI dialog. User selects a continuous range and then algorithm takes this range and move it into some other place of the list.
- this function uses
: to move elements forward or backward. - it returns two iterators - the start and the end of the new
sequence. In C++11
got new version and now can return iterator to the new position ofp
element. - if you are not interested in returning of this iterator pair, you can simplify this code much more.
Implementation note:
- In GCC 4.9 (and previous versions)
does not return an iterator, but only void. So currently, this code will not work there.
Another example from Sean Parent’s talk:
template <typename BiIt, typename UnPred>
auto gather(BiIt f, BiIt l, BiIt p, UnPred s) -> std::pair <BiIt, BiIt>
return { stable_partition(f, p, not1(s)),
stable_partition(p, l, s) };
How it works?
It’s use case can be similar to slide
: select elements - using a
predicate s
(so this time continuous range is not needed), then gather
those elements into a range and move this range to position around p
It returns the start and the end of the selected range.
is a predicate that returns if a given element is selected or
: from
Reorders the elements in a given range in such a way that all elements for which the predicate returns
precede the elements for which predicate returnsfalse
. Relative order of the elements is preserved.
is used twice:
Implementation note:
does not work with the code correctly, so there is proposal to use simple lambda. Read more here in Sean’s comment.
String trim
Found on Stack Overflow
std::string trim(const std::string &s) {
return trimLeft(trimRight(s));
std::string trimLeft(const std::string &s) {
auto temp = s;
std::find_if(std::begin(temp), std::end(temp),
[](char c){return !std::isspace(c, std::locale());
return temp;
std::string trimRight(const std::string &s) {
auto temp = s;
temp.erase(std::find_if(std::rbegin(temp), std::rend(temp),
[](char c){return !std::isspace(c, std::locale()); }).base(),
return temp;
How it works?
Another beautiful usage of Standard Library:
- in order to trim the string we trim from right and then from the left (what a discovery!)
- trim left:
returns iterator to the first non space character in the string. Then we erase those characters. - trim right: also uses
but this time we use reverse iterators
Note: you can also use boost string algorithm to make life even easier.
Bonus :)
What does this code do?
while (std::next_permutation(start, end));
Simple, one line of code… should be nice! But…
Answer: it’s another and ‘wonderful’ method of sorting containers - permutation sort! But please do not use it at home :)
Complexity: O((n+1)!)
This algorithm is a variation of Bogosort and other similar ‘sorting’ algorithms. Read more on wiki. As victor_zverovich noticed, in Bogosort the next permutation is chosen at random, but std::next_permutation gives the next lexicographically greater permutation.
I’ve showed several, I think nice, code examples where algorithms from C++ Standard Library are heavily used. Maybe next time, when I’ll be writing some ugly piece of code I’ll stop, think for a minute, and maybe some existing algorithm/function could be called instead.
Side note: there’s a Pluralsight course from Kate Gregory with a similar name: Beautiful C++: STL Algorithms. So you might want to check it out later
Do you know some more interesting examples? My list, definitely, does not show all of them!
Thanks for a discussion at reddit: here @r/programming and here @r/cpp
- C++ Seasoning, by Sean Paret @Channel9 - original inspiration for this article.
- The C++ Programming Language, 4th< />
- The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference (2nd Edition)< />
- SO: How to implement classic sorting algorithms in modern C++? - very detailed answer with nice code for modern C++
- SO: What’s the best way to trim std::string
- 10 New STL Algorithms That Will Make You A More Productive Developer, C++0x
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