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Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20, Part 2

Table of Contents
In the first part of the series we looked at lambdas from the perspective of C++03, C++11 and C++14. In that article, I described the motivation behind this powerful C++ feature, basic usage, syntax and improvements in each of the language standards. I also mentioned several corner cases.
Now it’s time to move into C++17 and look a bit into the future (very near future!): C++20.
As a little reminder, the idea for the series comes from one of our
recent C++ User Group meeting in Cracow.
We had a live coding session about the “history” of lambda expressions.
The talk was lead by a C++ Expert Tomasz Kamiński (see Tomek’s profile
See this event:
Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20 - C++ User Group
I’ve decided to take the code from Tomek (with his permission and
feedback!), describe it and form the articles.
So far, in the first part of the series, I described the following
elements of lambda expressions:
- Basic syntax
- The type of a lambda
- The call operator
- Captures (
, globals, static variables, class member andthis
pointer, move-able-only objects, preservingconst
)- Return type
- IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
- Conversion to a function pointer
- Improvements in C++14
- Return type deduction
- Captures with an initialiser
- Capturing a member variable
- Generic lambdas The above list is just a part of the story of lambdas! Let’s now see what changed in C++17 and what we will get in C++20!
Improvements in C++17
The standard (draft before publication) N659 and the lambda section: [expr.prim.lambda]. C++17 added two significant enhancements to lambda expressions:
lambdas- Capture of
What do those features mean for you? Let’s find out.
Lambda Expressions
Since C++17, if possible, the standard defines operator()
for the
lambda type implicitly as constexpr
From expr.prim.lambda
The function call operator is a
function if either the corresponding lambda-expression’s parameter-declaration-clause is followed byconstexpr
, or it satisfies the requirements for aconstexpr
For example:
constexpr auto Square = [] (int n) { return n*n; }; // implicitly constexpr
static_assert(Square(2) == 4);
To recall, in C++17 a constexpr
function has the following rules:
- it shall not be virtual;
- its return type shall be a literal type;
- each of its parameter types shall be a literal type;
- its function-body shall be
= delete
,= default
, or a compound-statement that does not contain
- an
-definition,- a
statement,- an identifier label,
- a try-block, or
- a definition of a variable of non-literal type or of static or thread storage duration or for which no initialization is performed.
How about a more practical example?
template<typename Range, typename Func, typename T>
constexpr T SimpleAccumulate(const Range& range, Func func, T init) {
for (auto &&elem: range) {
init += func(elem);
return init;
int main() {
constexpr std::array arr{ 1, 2, 3 };
static_assert(SimpleAccumulate(arr, [](int i) {
return i * i;
}, 0) == 14);
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The code uses a constexpr
lambda and then it’s passed to a
straightforward algorithm SimpleAccumulate
. The algorithm also uses a
few C++17 elements: constexpr
additions to std::array
, std::begin
and std::end
(used in range-based for loop) are now also constexpr
so it means that the whole code might be executed at compile time.
Of course, there’s more.
You can also capture variables (assuming they are also constant expressions):
constexpr int add(int const& t, int const& u) {
return t + u;
int main() {
constexpr int x = 0;
constexpr auto lam = [x](int n) { return add(x, n); };
static_assert(lam(10) == 10);
But there’s a interesting case where you don’t “pass” captured variable any further, like:
constexpr int x = 0;
constexpr auto lam = [x](int n) { return n + x };
In that case, in Clang, we might get the following warning:
warning: lambda capture 'x' is not required to be captured for this use
This is probably because x
can be replaced in place in every use
(unless you pass it further or take the address of this name).
But please let me know if you know the official rules of this behaviour. I’ve only found (from cppreference) (but I cannot find it in the draft…)
A lambda expression can read the value of a variable without capturing it if the variable
* has const non-volatile integral or enumeration type and has been initialised with a constant expression, or
* is constexpr and has no mutable members.
Be prepared for the future:
In C++20 we’ll have constexpr
standard algorithms and maybe even some
containers, so constexpr
lambdas will be very handy in that context.
Your code will look the same for the runtime version as well as for
(compile time) version!
In a nutshell:
lambdas allows you to blend with template programming and
possibly have shorter code.
Let’s now move to the second important feature available since C++17:
Capture of *this
Do you remember our issue when we wanted to capture a class member?
By default, we capture this
(as a pointer!), and that’s why we might
get into troubles when temporary objects go out of scope… We can fix
this by using capture with initialiser (see in the first part of the
But now, in C++17 we have another way. We can wrap a copy of *this
#include <iostream>
struct Baz {
auto foo() {
return [*this] { std::cout << s << std::endl; };
std::string s;
int main() {
auto f1 = Baz{"ala"}.foo();
auto f2 = Baz{"ula"}.foo();
Play with the code @Wandbox
Capturing a required member variable via init capture guards you from potential errors with temporary values but we cannot do the same when we want to call a method of the type:
For example:
struct Baz {
auto foo() {
return [this] { print(); };
void print() const { std::cout << s << '\n'; }
std::string s;
In C++14 the only way to make the code safer is init capture this:
auto foo() {
return [self=*this] { self.print(); };
But in C++17 it’s cleaner, as you can write:
auto foo() {
return [*this] { print(); };
One more thing:
Please note that if you write [=]
in a member function then this
implicitly captured! That might lead to future errors…. and this will be
deprecated in C++20.
And this brings us to another section: the future.
Sorry for a little interruption in the flow :)
I’ve prepared a little bonus if you’re interested in C++17, check it out
Download a free copy of C++17 Language Ref Card!
Future with C++20
With C++20 we’ll get the following features:
- Allow
[=, this]
as a lambda capture - P0409R2 and Deprecate implicit capture of this via[=]
- P0806 - Pack expansion in lambda init-capture:
...args = std::move(args)](){}
- P0780 static
, and lambda capture for structured bindings - P1091- template lambdas (also with concepts) - P0428R2
- Simplifying implicit lambda capture - P0588R1
- Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas - P0624R2
- Lambdas in unevaluated contexts - P0315R4
In most of the cases the newly added features “cleanup” lambda use and they allow some advanced use cases.
For example with P1091 you can capture a structured binding.
We have also clarifications related to capturing this
. In C++20 you’ll
get a warning if you capture [=]
in a method:
struct Baz {
auto foo() {
return [=] { std::cout << s << std::endl; };
std::string s;
GCC 9:
warning: implicit capture of 'this' via '[=]' is deprecated in C++20
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If you really need to capture this
you have to write [=, this]
There are also changes related to advanced uses cases like unevaluated contexts and stateless lambdas being default constructible.
With both changes you’ll be able to write:
std::map<int, int, decltype([](int x, int y) { return x > y; })> map;
Read the motivation behind those features in the first version of the proposals: P0315R0and P0624R0
But let’s have a look at one interesting feature: template lambdas.
Template Lambdas
With C++14 we got generic lambdas which means that parameters declared
as auto
are template parameters.
For a lambda:
[](auto x) { x; }
The compiler generates a call operator that corresponds to a following template method:
template<typename T>
void operator(T x) { x; }
But there was no way to change this template parameter and use real template arguments. With C++20 it will be possible.
For example, how can we restrict our lambda to work only with vectors of some type?
We can write a generic lambda:
auto foo = []<typename T>(const auto& vec) {
std::cout<< std::size(vec) << '\n';
std::cout<< vec.capacity() << '\n';
But if you call it with an int
parameter (like foo(10);
) then you
might get some hard-to-read error: In instantiation of 'main()::<lambda(const auto:1&)> [with auto:1 = int]': required from here error: no matching function for call to 'size(const int&)'
11 | std::cout<< std::size(vec) << '\n';
In C++20 we can write:
auto foo = []<typename T>(std::vector<T> const& vec) {
std::cout<< std::size(vec) << '\n';
std::cout<< vec.capacity() << '\n';
The above lambda resolves to a templated call operator:
<typename T>
void operator(std::vector<T> const& s) { ... }
The template parameter comes after the capture clause []
If you call it with int
) then you get a nicer message:
note: mismatched types 'const std::vector<T>' and 'int'
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In the above example, the compiler can warn us about the mismatch in the interface of a lambda rather than some code inside the body.
Another important aspect is that in generic lambda you only have a
variable and not it’s template type. So if you want to access it, you
have to use decltype(x)
(for a lambda with (auto x)
argument). This
makes some code more wordy and complicated.
For example (using code from P0428):
auto f = [](auto const& x) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(x)>;
T copy = x;
using Iterator = typename T::iterator;
Can be now written as:
auto f = []<typename T>(T const& x) {
T copy = x;
using Iterator = typename T::iterator;
In the above section, we had a glimpse overview of C++20, but I have one more extra use case for you. This technique is possible even in C++14. So read on.
Bonus - LIFTing with lambdas
Currently, we have a problem when you have function overloads, and you want to pass them into standard algorithms (or anything that requires some callable object):
// two overloads:
void foo(int) {}
void foo(float) {}
int main()
std::vector<int> vi;
std::for_each(vi.begin(), vi.end(), foo);
We get the following error from GCC 9 (trunk):
error: no matching function for call to
for_each(std::vector<int>::iterator, std::vector<int>::iterator,
<unresolved overloaded function type>)
std::for_each(vi.begin(), vi.end(), foo);
However, there’s a trick where we can use lambda and then call the desired function overload.
In a basic form, for simple value types, for our two functions, we can write the following code:
std::for_each(vi.begin(), vi.end(), [](auto x) { return foo(x); });
And in the most generic form we need a bit more typing:
#define LIFT(foo) \
[](auto&&... x) \
noexcept(noexcept(foo(std::forward<decltype(x)>(x)...))) \
-> decltype(foo(std::forward<decltype(x)>(x)...)) \
{ return foo(std::forward<decltype(x)>(x)...); }
Quite complicated code… right? :)
Let’s try to decipher it:
We create a generic lambda and then forward all the arguments we get. To
define it correctly we need to specify noexcept
and return type.
That’s why we have to duplicate the calling code - to get the proper
macro works in any compiler that supports C++14.
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In this blog post, you’ve seen significant changes in C++17, and we have an overview of C++20 features.
We can notice that with each language iteration lambdas blends with
other C++ elements. For example, before C++17 we couldn’t use them in
context, but now it’s possible. Similarly with generic
lambdas since C++14 and their evolution in C++20 in the form of template
Have I skipped something?
Maybe you have some exciting example to share?
Please let me know in comments!
- C++11 - [expr.prim.lambda]
- C++14 - [expr.prim.lambda]
- C++17 - [expr.prim.lambda]
- Lambda Expressions in C++ | Microsoft Docs
- Simon Brand - Passing overload sets to functions
- Jason Turner - C++ Weekly - Ep 128 - C++20’s Template Syntax For Lambdas
- Jason Turner - C++ Weekly - Ep 41 - C++17’s constexpr Lambda Support
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Learn all major features of recent C++ Standards on my Reference Cards!
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