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C++ Lambda Story in Spanish!

I’m happy to announce that after few months of work, the C++ Lambda Story book got translation into Spanish!
Have a look at the background story and learn more about Lambdas :)
This post is possible with the effort of Javier Estrada.
Javier is a software developer living in sunny Southern California, and while he has flirted with Java and Python in the past, his true love is C++. You can follow Javier’s blog, Se Habla C++, or contact him through LinkedIn, or follow him on Twitter, where he deals with general C++ topics, reviews books, and CPPCON sessions.
Javier’s first C++ compiler was Turbo C++ 1.0, and for most of his professional life has developed software for the Public Safety market (9-1-1 Emergency), where he has used C++ extensively, producing solutions that make heavy use of design patterns.
About the Spanish Version
There are many, many, many books on C++…as long as they’re in English. This book is part of an effort to bring more C++ quality material to Spanish-speaking developers, and it brings along a topic that should be in every developer’s tool belt: lambdas.
Javier started his translation efforts working first with Nico Josuttis, a renowned C++ author and trainer, and that collaboration culminated with the publication of C++17 - La guía completa, a translation of the best-seller C++17 - The Complete Guide.
The idea to translate C++ Lambda Story came after reading and providing feedback to Bartek on the book, and how a Spanish translation could benefit the C++ community in general. The appeal for Javier was that the book was concise and on a relevant and single topic: lambdas. He got in touch with Bartek, pitched the idea and this is the result of that collaboration.
Javier is also one of the prominent editors for the Spanish version of He got involved after looking for quality documentation that could be made available to others having only access to online C++ compilers. You can watch a Lightning Talk on CPPCON: If you build translate it, will they come?, where he talks about his experience and ongoing work to translate the C++ reference to Spanish.
If you’re interested in seeing more works translated to Spanish, you can contact Javier on LinkedIn or follow his blog–or better yet, “bug” the authors ;-).
Also, have a look at his dedicated blog post on the book: Lambdas en C++ @ Se Habla C++ .
Background for the book
On my website, you can read at least five extensive articles that describe all the essential parts of lambdas:
Have a look if you haven’t read it before:
- Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20, Part 1
- Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20, Part 2
- 5 Advantages of C++ Lambda Expressions and How They Make Your Code Better
- C++ Lambdas, Threads, std::async and Parallel Algorithms
- C++ Tricks: IIFE for Complex Variable Initialization
I packed my knowledge about lambdas into a beautiful ebook, with lots of examples and additional descriptions. And just as with my book about C++17, I made it available at Leanpub. The platform makes it easy for me to publish new updates, and everyone who has the book can immediately access the latest changes (at no charge). Also, the platform allows you to read it as PDF and Epub, Mobi, or Online.
As the final step for the English version, I made the book available in Print on Amazon.
Here’s the list of the things you can learn:
- C++98/03 - What was the motivation for the new C++ feature?
- C++11 - Early days: You’ll learn about all the essential aspects of lambdas and several tricks you might apply. This is the longest chapter as we need to cover a lot of topics.
- C++14 - Updates: See how to use generic lambdas and captures with an initialiser.
- C++17 - More improvements, especially by handling this pointer and allowing constexpr. You’ll also learn how to leverage the overloaded pattern.
- C++20 - In this chapter, you’ll see all of the new features adopted for C++20, like template lambdas and how to use them with concepts and constexpr algorithms.
How to Get the Book and Join 1500 Readers?
Here’s the link to the Spanish version:
And several options for the English version:
Buy directly at Leanpub: C++ Lambda Story @Leanpub This platform also gives you a 45-day refund period!
Buy at @Amazon Print, or @Amazon Full Colour Print
Buy together with my C++17 book Buy C++17 in Detail AND C++ Lambda Story Together
Support me on Patreon Become a Patron - every Patron gets a free Ebook version, and on the highest tier, I’ll also send you a physical copy.
You can also download a free sample that contains almost 60 pages (available from the Leanpub page)!
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