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C++ Templates: How to Iterate through std::tuple: std::apply and More

Table of Contents
In the previous article on the tuple iteration, we covered the basics. As a result, we implemented a function template that took a tuple and could nicely print it to the output. There was also a version with operator <<
Today we can go further and see some other techniques. The first one is with std::apply
from C++17, a helper function for tuples. Today’s article will also cover some strategies to make the iteration more generic and handle custom callable objects, not just printing.
This is the second part of the small series. See the first article here where we discuss the basics.
std:apply approach
A handy helper for std::tuple
is the std::apply
function template that came in C++17. It takes a tuple and a callable object and then invokes this callable with parameters fetched from the tuple.
Here’s an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
int sum(int a, int b, int c) {
return a + b + c;
void print(std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
std::cout << "(" << a << ", " << b << ")\n";
int main() {
std::tuple numbers {1, 2, 3};
std::cout << std::apply(sum, numbers) << '\n';
std::tuple strs {"Hello", "World"};
std::apply(print, strs);
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As you can see, std::apply
takes sum
or print
functions and then “expands” tuples and calls those functions with appropriate arguments.
Here’s a diagram showing how it works:
Ok, but how does it relate to our problem?
The critical thing is that std::apply
hides all index generation and calls to std::get<>
. That’s why we can replace our printing function with std::apply
and then don’t use index_sequence
The first approach - working?
The first approach that came to my mind was the following - create a variadic function template that takes Args...
and pass it to std::apply
template <typename... Args>
void printImpl(const Args&... tupleArgs) {
size_t index = 0;
auto printElem = [&index](const auto& x) {
if (index++ > 0)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << x;
(printElem(tupleArgs), ...);
template <typename... Args>
void printTupleApplyFn(const std::tuple<Args...>& tp) {
std::cout << "(";
std::apply(printImpl, tp);
std::cout << ")";
Looks… fine… right?
The problem is that it doesn’t compile :)
GCC or Clang generates some general error which boils down to the following line:
candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument '_Fn
But how? Why cannot the compiler get the proper template parameters for printImpl
The problem lies in the fact that out printImpl
is a variadic function template, so the compiler has to instantiate it. The instantiation doesn’t happen when we call std::apply
, but inside std::apply
. The compiler doesn’t know how the callable object will be called when we call std::apply
, so it cannot perform the template deduction at this stage.
We can help the compiler and pass the arguments:
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
template <typename... Args>
void printImpl(const Args&... tupleArgs) {
size_t index = 0;
auto printElem = [&index](const auto& x) {
if (index++ > 0)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << x;
(printElem(tupleArgs), ...);
template <typename... Args>
void printTupleApplyFn(const std::tuple<Args...>& tp) {
std::cout << "(";
std::apply(printImpl<Args...>, tp); // <<
std::cout << ")";
int main() {
std::tuple tp { 10, 20, 3.14};
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In the above example, we helped the compiler to create the requested instantiation, so it’s happy to pass it to std::apply
But there’s another technique we can do. How about helper callable type?
struct HelperCallable {
template <typename... Args>
void operator()(const Args&... tupleArgs) {
size_t index = 0;
auto printElem = [&index](const auto& x) {
if (index++ > 0)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << x;
(printElem(tupleArgs), ...);
template <typename... Args>
void printTupleApplyFn(const std::tuple<Args...>& tp) {
std::cout << "(";
std::apply(HelperCallable(), tp);
std::cout << ")";
Can you see the difference?
Now, what we do, we only pass a HelperCallable
object; it’s a concrete type so that the compiler can pass it without any issues. No template parameter deduction happens. And then, at some point, the compiler will call HelperCallable(args...)
, which invokes operator()
for that struct. And it’s now perfectly fine, and the compiler can deduce the types. In other words, we deferred the problem.
So we know that the code works fine with a helper callable type… so how about a lambda?
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
template <typename TupleT>
void printTupleApply(const TupleT& tp) {
std::cout << "(";
std::apply([](const auto&... tupleArgs) {
size_t index = 0;
auto printElem = [&index](const auto& x) {
if (index++ > 0)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << x;
(printElem(tupleArgs), ...);
}, tp
std::cout << ")";
int main() {
std::tuple tp { 10, 20, 3.14, 42, "hello"};
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Also works! I also simplified the template parameters to just template <typename TupleT>
As you can see, we have a lambda inside a lambda. It’s similar to our custom type with operator()
. You can also have a look at the transformation through C++ Insights: this link
Printing simplification
Since our callable object gets a variadic argument list, we can use this information and make the code simpler.
Thanks PiotrNycz for pointing that out.
The code inside the internal lambda uses index
to check if we need to print the separator or not - it checks if we print the first argument. We can do this at compile-time:
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
template <typename TupleT>
void printTupleApply(const TupleT& tp) {
[](const auto& first, const auto&... restArgs)
auto printElem = [](const auto& x) {
std::cout << ", " << x;
std::cout << "(" << first;
(printElem(restArgs), ...);
}, tp
std::cout << ")";
int main() {
std::tuple tp { 10, 20, 3.14, 42, "hello"};
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This code breaks when tuple has no elements - we could fix this by checking its size in if constexpr
, but let’s skip it for now.
Would you like to see more?
If you want to see a similar code that works with C++20's std::format
, you can see my article: How to format pairs and tuples with std::format (~1450 words) which is available for C++ Stories Premium/Patreon members.
See all Premium benefits here.
Making it more generic
So far we focused on printing tuple elements. So we had a “fixed” function that was called for each argument. To go further with our ideas, let’s try to implement a function that takes a generic callable object. For example:
std::tuple tp { 10, 20, 30.0 };
for_each_tuple(tp, [](auto&& x){
Let’s start with the approach with index sequence:
template <typename TupleT, typename Fn, std::size_t... Is>
void for_each_tuple_impl(TupleT&& tp, Fn&& fn, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
(fn(std::get<Is>(std::forward<TupleT>(tp))), ...);
template <typename TupleT, typename Fn,
std::size_t TupSize = std::tuple_size_v<std::remove_cvref_t<TupleT>>>
void for_each_tuple(TupleT&& tp, Fn&& fn) {
for_each_tuple_impl(std::forward<TupleT>(tp), std::forward<Fn>(fn),
What happens here?
First, the code uses universal references (forwarding references) to pass tuple objects. This is needed to support all kinds of use cases - especially if the caller wants to modify the values inside the tuple. That’s why we need to use std::forward
in all places.
But why did I use remove_cvref_t
On std::decay and remove ref
As you can see in my code I used:
std::size_t TupSize = std::tuple_size_v<std::remove_cvref_t<TupleT>>
This is a new helper type from the C++20 trait that makes sure we get a “real” type from the type we get through universal reference.
Before C++20, you can often find std::decay
used or std::remove_reference
Here’s a good summary from a question about tuple iteration link to Stackoverflow:
is a forwarding reference,T
will betuple<...>&
ortuple<...> const&
when an lvalue is passed in; butstd::tuple_size
is only specialized fortuple<...>
, so we must strip off the reference and possible const. Prior to C++20’s addition ofstd::remove_cvref_t
, usingdecay_t
was the easy (if overkill) solution.
Generic std::apply
We discussed an implementation with index sequence; we can also try the same with std::apply. Can it yield simpler code?
Here’s my try:
template <typename TupleT, typename Fn>
void for_each_tuple2(TupleT&& tp, Fn&& fn) {
[&fn](auto&& ...args)
(fn(args), ...);
}, std::forward<TupleT>(tp)
Look closer, I forgot to use std::forward
when calling fn
We can solve this by using template lambdas available in C++20:
template <typename TupleT, typename Fn>
void for_each_tuple2(TupleT&& tp, Fn&& fn) {
[&fn]<typename ...T>(T&& ...args)
(fn(std::forward<T>(args)), ...);
}, std::forward<TupleT>(tp)
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Additionally, if you want to stick to C++17, you can apply decltype
on the arguments:
template <typename TupleT, typename Fn>
void for_each_tuple2(TupleT&& tp, Fn&& fn) {
[&fn](auto&& ...args)
(fn(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)), ...);
}, std::forward<TupleT>(tp)
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Return value
It was a cool story, and I hope you learned a bit about templates.
The background task was to print tuples elements and have a way to transform them. During the process, we went through variadic templates, index sequence, template argument deduction rules and tricks, std::apply, and removing references.
I’m happy to discuss changes and improvements. Let me know in the comments below the article about your ideas.
See the part one here: C++ Templates: How to Iterate through std::tuple: the Basics - C++ Stories.
- Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers
- C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (2nd Edition) by David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, Douglas Gregor
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