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As usually, C++ needs good books and up-to-date learning resources. In this review, I’d like to present a book that should significantly enhance your knowledge of Modern C++, including C++17.
Let’s see what’s inside.
Disclaimer: I asked the author and got a print copy for the review.
The book Professional C++ 4th Edition
Welcome to new C++ Links - most important and useful articles, podcasts and videos that happened between 8th and 14th of September. Today you will find a link to a post about the C++ quality of life features, a video with an explanation of the difference between const and constexpr, an article that describes some of SFINAE problems and many others.
I’d like to make an experiment on the blog and introduce a new simple series. Each Friday you’ll see a summary with valuable links and resources from the C++ World. The links and annotations are coming from a guest author - Wojciech Razik - one of the co-author of
I’m happy to announce that just a few days ago I updated the book! “C++17 In Detail” grew by 7 pages (up to 219), includes a few new examples, new feature descriptions and lots of “bug fixes”.
See what’s inside.
The Changes Here’s the short version of the release notes:
Searchers from C++17 are a new way to perform efficient pattern lookups. The new standard offers three searchers: default_searcher, boyer_moore_searcher and boyer_moore_horspool_searcher. The last two implements algorithms that require some additional preprocessing for the input pattern. Is there a chance to separate preprocessing time from the search time?
Short Reminder In my last article I’ve introduced searchers that were added into C++17.
I’m happy to present my first ebook on C++!
Here’s the short story and the description of what you can find inside.
The Story At the beginning of 2017, I decided to make a super long, collaborative, post about all the new things that are coming with C++17. At that time we had quite “stable” drafts, so most of the new features were already known.
How do you initialise a string member in the constructor? By using const string&, string value and move, string_view or maybe something else?
Let’s have a look and compare possible options.
Intro Below there’s a simple class with one string member. We’d like to initialise it.
For example:
class UserName { std::string mName; public: UserName(const std::string& str) : mName(str) { } }; As you can see a constructor is taking const std::string& str.
Thank you for all the comments about the string_view performance! Last week I got a lot of feedback on how to improve the initial string split code.
Have a look at how can we update the code and get some better performance.
Intro Last week I showed a few examples of string_view.
In this text we’ll have a look at a few examples that compare std::string_view against std::string. How much is std::string_view faster than standard std::string operations?
Intro I was looking for some examples of string_view, and after a while, I got curious about the performance gain we might get.
string_view is conceptually only a view of the string: usually implemented as[ptr, length].
When you read articles or reference pages for std::any, std::optional or std::variant you might notice a few helper types called in_place_* available in constructors.
Why do we need such syntax? Is this more efficient than “standard” construction?
Intro Chinese version here:
C++ std::any、std::variant和std::optional的原位构造(In-Place Construction)_yihuajack的博客-CSDN博客 We have the following in_place helper types:
Writing articles about modern C++ features is a lot of fun, but what’s even better is to see how you use those new things in real world.
Today I’m happy to present a guest post article from JFT who was so kind to describe his project where he uses several C++17 features.
Last week you might have read about a few examples of parallel algorithms. Today I have one more application that combines the ideas from the previous post.
We’ll use parallel algorithms and the standard filesystem to count words in all text files in a given directory.
The Case In my previous post, there were two examples: one with iterating over a directory and counting the files sizes and the next one about counting words in a string.