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Coding without Google


Back in 2016, an intriguing article appeared on Reddit: “Do Experienced Programmers Use Google Frequently?”. The author discussed if expert programmers use google more often than novice coders. He mentioned that using google is a good thing. It helps to find the best solutions, validate ideas, speed the development. Google nowadays seems to be a crucial part of any developer toolbox.


Extensible Stream Logging in Modern C++


This blog post will show you how to create a robust and scalable logging library using lots of Modern C++ techniques. The author successfully used this code on Arduino embedded environment and various other production areas. Let’s dive right in. Written by Stephen Dolley Stephen works with C++ commercial and government development teams to upgrade their skills and improve the expressiveness and robustness of their code.


How to Convert Numbers into Text with std::to_chars in C++17


In this post, I’ll show you how to use the newest, low-level, conversion routines form C++17. With the new functionality, you can quickly transform numbers into text and have super performance compared to previous techniques. Before C++17   Until C++17, we had several ways of converting numbers into strings: sprintf / snprintf stringstream to_string itoa and 3rd-party libraries like boost - lexical cast And with C++17 we get another option: std::to_chars (along with the corresponding method from_chars) !


Three Myths About Floating-Point Numbers


A single-precision floating-point number is represented by 32 bits and hides various wonderful encoding techniques. However, some of those tricks might cause some imprecise calculations so it’s crucial to know how to work with those numbers. Let’s have a look at three common misconceptions. This is a guest post from Adam Sawicki


C++ Software Security Sins: Basic Issues


C++ Software Security Sins   In the world of software development, we are up against new cybersecurity threats each day, and the risks and consequences of un-secure software are too significant to be unaware of. Let’s review some common security threats that might lurk in our C/C++ code. This article is an adapted version of the presentation given by Mary Kelly, supported by Embarcadero.


Predefined C++20 Concepts: Callables


Before you start implementing your custom concepts, it’s good to review some goodies in the Standard Library. There’s a high chance that there’s already a predefined concept for you. Today let’s have a look at concepts related to callable objects. Where to find them   You can find most of the predefined concepts in the <concepts> header.


Top-7 Performance Traps for Every Developer


According to the recent popular paper “There is plenty of room at the top”1, SW tuning will be one of the key drivers for performance gains in the near future. The growth of a single-threaded performance of modern HW is slowing down, that’s why SW tuning will become more important than it has been for the last 40 years.